Council Members

07523 100269


Harvey Upton


Ive lived in Wilburton since 2010, previously living in Surrey. Ive worked in local government Finance and ICT, and previous to that in the nuclear industry.  Having seen at first hand the corruption, waste, mismanagement, lack of transparency and blatant disregard for public money, I believe it is critical that we spend your precept only on things that benefit Wilburton, its community and residents, and that we achieve the very best value for that spend.  Our big issues are through traffic volumes, heavy vehicles, lack of amenities and green spaces for dog walking, and the relentless housing infill which contributes nothing to developing a working thriving community or providing affordable housing for local people on lower incomes.  My contributions to parish council work include maintaining our dog bins (live the dream!), helping with hall bookings and anything else that needs to be done….