
07 – Mins Full Council 14 July 2021

minutes full council July 2021



Minutes of the Full Council Meeting, 14th July 2021 held at St Peter’s Hall, at 8.00pm

Present:  Cllr A Dodson, Cllr J Aniskowicz, Cllr S Morgan, Cllr H Upton

Also Present:  Assistant Clerk (Kara Atkinson) and 7 members of the public

21-043: Apologies, Acceptance of apologies and declarations of interests

Dispensations are still in place for the three Cllrs who are also Trustees on the SWCLT

21-044: To approve of the minutes of previous Full Council Meeting on 9th June 2021

The Full Council minutes from the 9th June were reviewed and accepted. Proposed by Cllr Morgan, seconded by Cllr Upton.

21-045: Public Participation (15 mins) – to accept questions and comments from members of the public and councillors with a prejudicial interest. (max 3 mins per person)

There was no public participation

21-046: Reports from County and District Councillors

District Councillor Bill Hunt gave a report. In brief:

£45 million funding for a new build of Princess of Wales Hospital – Council is in firm support. Zero carbon target remains a focus for East Cambs District Council: plans including funding fruit trees schemes, changing grass cutting regimes to allow for wildflowers to grow.

Ely Zipper will be under control of the mayor – Cllr Hunt continues to give his full support to this bus service

Seeking support for the downgrading of the A1123 to be a B road from Parish Councils and Parishioners


County Council Level: Rainbow Alliance – independents have joined with Labour and Liberal Democrats to form a majority


21-047: Business Matters

  1. Cemetery
  2. a) Consider quotes for tree work

East Cambs District Council Tree Officer was met by two Councillors and the Assistant Clerk at the Cemetery to look at the trees and bushes. Two quotes are pending, a third still needs to be sought.


  1. b) Review acceptable upkeep of graves

To ensure that graves are kept in line with the terms and conditions of the cemetery – Cllr Dodson will assist with identifying surviving relatives to offer polite reminders to keep within the regulations for grave size. Relatives of graves that cannot be traced  will be tidied up by the Council.


  1. c) Review costs for burials, intern of ashes and erection of memorials

It was resolved that the fees at Wilburton Cemetery be: £65 for a grave plot, £75 to be interned (both doubled for non-residents) £50 for purchase of an ashes plot, £40 for burial of ashes, £60 to erect a headstone for a 30-year period.


  1. Recreation Field and Recreation Improvement Group
  2. a) Update on decision from Pell Trustees on Pavilion

A response has been received and circulated to all Parish Councillors and RIG members, this was read out by Cllr Dodson at the meeting.

Location and spec for the benches has been agreed and these will now be purchased.

Car park – the application has been approved by the planners. Cllrs request that the Pell Estate share all documentation with the Council so that the PC (with RIG) can move forward on car park plans, once the lease is in place.

It was noted that the current ‘football field’ lease is on a month-by-month rolling contract.

  1. b) Consider Update on Container placement/work to prepare area

Cllr Morgan shared a quote he had received for the preparation of the area. Clive Maltby to be appointed to carry out the work at a cost of £250.


  1. c) Consider ROSPA report

Councillors discussed items raised in the recent ROSPA report. Cllr Morgan will identify high priority items ahead of the September meeting.


  1. d) Discuss area under trees and removal of rubbish

Uneven ground boards have now been collected and will be placed in this area to warn recreation ground users.

Debris that needs to be removed include: Wooden posts, redundant metal goal, wire remain in the central tree line. Councillors to investigate further.


  1. e) Consider Haddenham Rover football team request to continue for another year

Councillors discussed and agreed to continue to allow Haddenham FC to rent the second field at the rec at a cost of £40 per month.


  1. f) Consider review of match/pitch fees

Colts Football and Cricket teams in Wilburton have not paid for renting the recreation field for either training or matches. Due to rising maintenance costs (grass cutting, tree work, pest control) and to bring the Parish inline with neighbouring villages; Councillors discussed and considered introducing a monthly fee for teams. Assistant Clerk to research the costs for cricket club ahead of the 2022 season.

It was resolved that a fee of £40 per month be charged to Wilburton Football Club. Proposed by Cllr Morgan Seconded by Cllr All Cllrs agreed.


  1. Consider update on allotments, Community Orchard, Sandpits

Thanks to Steve Morgan for his work in volunteering clearing and cutting of the sandpits and cutting the paths in the wildflower meadow at the community orchard and allotments. Schedule of grass cutting and maintenance of the sites will be looked at in due course. New Life on the Old West lead – Howard will be attending the September full Council meeting to update the Parish on planned works at the sandpits.


  1. Consider update on Post Office future

Cllr Dodson wrote to the Post Office to offer the village hall for use as a location for the Post Office, (similar to the provision in Wicken). Communication from Post Office Headquarters acknowledged the importance of the Post Office to the community, they are advertising for a new post officer worker and location and hope that the closure is temporary.


  1. Consider update on new Website

Cllr Upton updated on his findings. Recommendation is Netwise, as used by some neighbouring Councils.

It was resolved that Netwise Premium be appointed to support the Parish in creating a new website. Proposed by Cllr Upton and Seconded by Cllr Morgan. All Cllrs agreed.


  1. Consider update on MVAS reprogramming and resiting

Cllr Upton to work with Community Roadwatch to relocate the device to Station Road this week.


  1. Consider Barn on Station Road

Parishioners have raised concerns to Councillors about the barn. The Parish Clerk to write to Sir Thomas Hughes sharing these concerns.


  1. Consider Update on LHI Bid and Feasibility Study

Ruth Drapier reported to Cllr Dodson that the speed limit reduction on the Stretham Road was successful, the current 40mph from the top of Station Road to just past Millfield Place will be lowered to 30mph.

Cllr Dodson has continued to be in contact with Nicholas Wood the Highway Projects Engineer (Fenland & East ) has yet to finalise study, his aim is to have it completed by the end of the week.


  1. Discuss Parish Poll and Advert for new Parish Councillors

Cllr Dodson confirmed the Parish Poll, as requested by Mr Stephen Smith, the result recorded as:

148 for and 160 against


East Cambridgeshire District Council (ECDC) have now billed the Parish Council at a cost of £2,005. Funds to pay for the Parish Poll will be taken from the precept (the amount of money each household pays in Council Tax that comes to the Parish). Councillors had not budgeted for this amount and concerns were raised regarding the end of year accounts and what possible effect this shortfall of money could have on the Parish.

It was also noted by Cllrs that a Parish Poll is not legally binding and the results do not have to be followed.


Co-opting new Parish Councillors, the advert is open, there are 5 vacancies: closing date August 27th.


  1. Discuss dog bins in the village

Cllr Upton has completed a check of all dog waste bins in the village. He suggested that bins should be checked annual with possible replacements needed every 3-4 years.


21-049: Agenda items for next meeting

Quotes for the tree work at the cemetery

Recreation ground – container, lease, car park, RIG

ROSPA report

Howard – New Life on the Old West

Website update

Feasibility Study for Stretham Road

New Councillor



21-050: Councillors Questions – To receive any comments or questions from the Councillors

Cllr Dodson reported that the Social Club had a successful evening showing the football in the Hall, the large screen was used, courtesy of Wilburton Community Cinema. Donations given by those that attended are to be gifted to the Community Cinema


21-051: Date of next meeting – Wednesday 1st September 2021

Meeting closed at 9.35pm