09- September

09- September

Minutes Full Council Sep 2021


Minutes of the Full Council Meeting, 1st September 2021 held at St Peter’s Hall, at 8.00pm

Present:  Cllr A Dodson, Cllr J Aniskowicz, Cllr S Morgan, Cllr H Upton

Also Present:  Clerk (Rixon Zvauya) Assistant Clerk (Kara Atkinson) and 2 members of the public

21-051: Apologies, Acceptance of apologies and declarations of interests

Cllr Morgan declared in interest in Business Matter 1.e.

21-052: Consider Co-option to the Council, applications received

Gill Spencer has applied to be a Parish Councillor in Wilburton. Proposed by Cllr Morgan and seconded by Cllr Aniskowicz. All Cllrs agreed.

21-053: Delivery by the new councillors of their acceptance of office form

Gill signed the paperwork provided by the Parish Clerk. Cllr Spencer joined the existing Cllrs and was welcomed by the chair, on behalf of the Parish.

21-054: To approve of the minutes of previous Full Council Meeting on 14th July 2021

The Full Council minutes from the 14th July were reviewed and accepted. Proposed by Cllr Morgan, seconded by Cllr Upton. All Cllrs agreed.

21-055: Public Participation (15 mins) – to accept questions and comments from members of the public and councillors with a prejudicial interest. (max 3 mins per person)

There was no public participation

21-056: Talk from Life on the Old West

Howard Jones, project manager for the New Life on the Old West spoke to Cllrs and members of the public in attendance. He explained the overall aims of the project: ‘creating natural stepping stones between key Cambridgeshire sites’ and then outlined the specific improvements in Wilburton: ‘creating a wildlife pond in the sandpit area, expanding the community orchard to include local varieties of fruit trees, establishing wildflower community spaces across the sandpit and area around the allotments.’

Points to note:

Website: Our activity programme • New Life on the Old West (newlifeoldwest.org.uk)

Fruit trees will be root ball and to be planted between December and February, when the trees are dormant

Creating wildflower meadows/spaces and how to extend the season for pollinators – support available

Orchard pruning course in February – recommended attendance

Cllrs thanked Wilburton Brownies for loaning their projector for Howard to use for the presentation

21.057: Reports from County and District Councillors


21-058: Business Matters

1.Recreation Field and Recreation Improvement Group

a) Consider lease update

Still awaiting feedback from the Pell Estate Trustees.

 b) Consider Update on Container at the recreation field

Clive Maltby is ready to begin the preparation of the site, this will be undertaken once a date has been set for the delivery of the container. An application has been submitted to ECDC for permission to lightly prune one Oak tree at the entrance and remove low hanging branches from a sycamore on the central tree line to allow access for the lorry delivering the container (as well as easing access for Trulink when cutting the grass at the rec)

c) Consider new gates updates

Quotes have been received for a metal gate and Cllrs discussed and decided to ask for a different style option, new quotes will be sought and the matter revisited at the next meeting.

 d) Consider benches update

Ordered and awaiting delivery.

 e) Consider waste disposal on field

Cllrs discussed possible solutions.

It was resolved that Bespoke Services litter pick for one hour per week at the recreation field. Proposed by Cllrs Dodson and Seconded by Cllr Upton. Cllrs Spencer and Aniskowicz agreed.

 f) Consider ROSPA report – update on repairs

Dave Maltby has repaired the step to the climbing frame. He has been asked to carry out further repairs.

 g) Discuss grass cutting next year

To be deferred to the next meeting.

 2. Cemetery

a) Consider quotes for tree work

Quotes have been received.

It was resolved that East Cambs Trading Company be appointed to undertake the work, at a cost of £3,491 (including VAT)

b) Consider scarifying

More quotes will be sought.

3. Community Grant – to discuss the following

a) Bulb planting – bus stop, church grass, Carpond lane

Cllrs supported the application for the community grant including planters with flowers at various locations in the village and the planting of daffodil bulbs at the Berristead green

 b) Berristead new basketball net

Not to be followed up at present

 4.Consider Allotments, Sandpits and Community Orchard update Cll Morgan

It was resolved that a budget of up to £500 was approved for spending on the grass cutting around the woodland trust trees and community orchard. Proposed by Cllr Dodson and Seconded by Cll Upton. All agreed.

 5.Consider update on new Website Cllr Upton

Cllrs discussed items to share on the website – Minutes from January 2021 onwards

Cllr Upton will continue to work on this and asked other Cllrs to send items to him

 6.MVAS – consider replacement of signs in High Street and at West End

Data has been collected and shared with Cllrs. The device will be moved to West End during September. Cllrs discussed the replacing of two existing devices on the High Street and West End, to be discussed further at the October meeting.


7.Path on South side of Stretham Road

a) Consider Feasibility Report from Highways

The report has now been received. Extending the footpath alongside the South side of Stretham Road, from where the path finishes at number 14 to near the entrance of Millfield Place – the expected cost is £195,553. Cllrs discussed the report and will seek alternative quotes.

 8.A1123 reduction to B road and Heavy goods vehicles

a) Consider email from Stephen Thompson, Haddenham Parish Council

b) Consider writing to Highways as a Council

Cllr Aniskowicz has written to Highways.

This item will be discussed further at the October meeting

21-059: Agenda items for next meeting

Footpath on South side of Stretham Road

RIG/recreation ground


Allotments, Orchard and Sandpit sites


21-060: Councillors Questions – To receive any comments or questions from the Councillors


21-051: Date of next meeting – Wednesday 6th October 2021

Meeting closed at 10pm