Minutes of the Full Council Meeting, 5th January 2022 held at St Peter’s Hall, at 8.00pm
Present: Cllr A Dodson, Cllr S Morgan, Cllr H Upton, Cllr Spencer, Cllr Henessey, Cllr Aniskowicz.
Also Present: Clerk (Rixon Zvauya) Assistant Clerk (Kara Atkinson) and 1 member of the public.
22-001: Apologies, Acceptance of apologies and declarations of interests
22-002: Consider Co-option to the Council, applications received
Postponed to the next meeting due to ill health.
22-003: Delivery by the new councillors of their acceptance of office form
Postponed to the next meeting.
22-004: To approve of the minutes of previous Full Council Meeting on 1st November 2021
The Full Council minutes from the 1st November were reviewed and accepted. Proposed by Cllr Attrill, seconded by Cllr Morgan. All Cllrs agreed.
22-005: Public Participation (15 mins) – to accept questions and comments from members of the public and councillors with a prejudicial interest. (max 3 mins per person)
There was no public participation.
22.006: Reports from County and District Councillors
Cllr Bill Hunt, District Councillor for Wilburton, attended and addressed the meeting summarising District Council matters including; enforcing parking restrictions in Ely, opening of Soham Train Station, Community Fruit Tree offer, no rise in Council tax (eighth year of no rise).
22-007: Business Matters
1.Consider formation of new PC Working Group – Cllr Morgan
Cllr Morgan proposed the formation of ‘WIG’ Wildlife Improvement Group – Cllrs will gather ideas and gauge support for the formation of a new group.
2.Approve budget for 2022/2023
Following the recommendation from the Finance Meeting, Cllrs considered the budget for 2022/2023.
It was proposed to accept the budget. The precept will increase by £4,000: due to rising costs in maintaining the Parish alongside financing planned improvements to the Parish, the rising cost of bills (due to inflation) and covering the cost of the Parish poll in June 2021 are also factors. Proposed by Cllr Attrill and seconded by Cllr Morgan. All Cllrs agreed
3.Recreation Field and Recreation Improvement Group
a) Consider lease update
No update at present awaiting response from Trustees
b) Consider update on tree work
Permission has been submitted for amendments to the initial application due to a tree needing to be felled, due to significant cracking. Work on removing the epicormic growth on the lime trees will commence this month.
c) Consider update on ROSPA report works
Quotes have been received; more quotes will be sought for some items.
d) Discuss floodlights at the recreation field
The floodlights have been repaired and replaced, where needed.
Wicken FC are using the recreation ground for training, Haddenham FC will start later this month.
e) Consider update on grass cutting schedule
A ZOOM meeting will be held for Cllrs to discuss this matter further with proposals brought to the next meeting.
4.Consider Allotments, Sandpits and Community Orchard update
a) Consider update on Life on the Old West
The pond has been dug and the ‘work day’ is scheduled for 29th January commencing at 12 noon where the additional orchard trees will be planted and maintenance work will be done.
b) Consider update for work on pond
Waiting to hear back from Howard Jones, project manager for New Life on the Old West.
Cllr Morgan left the meeting
c) Consider grass maintenance quotations
Three quotes have been received. Cllrs considered the quotes.
It was resolved that Bespoke Services be appointed as the contractor for a period of a 12 month period at a cost of £70 per cut x 12 = £840. The other quotes received were for £2,100 and £2,160 respectively. Proposed by Cllr Upton and seconded by Cllr Spencer, all Cllrs agreed.
Cllr Morgan re-joined the meeting
5.LHI Bid 2021/22 (40 to 30mph on Stretham Road)– consider update – Cllr Spencer
Cllr Spencer is waiting to hear back regarding the revised cost to the pricing.
6.Consider update on wild flower project – Assist Clerk/Cllr Hennessy
Cllr Hennessy has received a donation of three boxes of Wildflower seeds from the Twentypence Garden Centre, these will be planted mid-March. The planters will be installed in Spring at various sites in the village.
Daffodil bulbs have been planted at the Berristead playground around the trees and the Allotments.
7.Consider footpaths update – Cllr Spencer
Cllr Spencer shared maps of the local area with Cllr to help identify currently used footpaths within the Parish. Information will be put on the Website and in the Village Voice to enable people to contribute.
a) Consider update on tree work
Tree work due to start this month.
9.Consider clearance of leaves and debris round the seat at the bus stop near Station Road
Options for clearing the area will be explored ahead of the next meeting.
10.New Website update – Cllr Upton
Cllr Upton updated Cllrs on the website.
22-008: Agenda items for next meeting
Recreation ground lease
Grass cutting schedule
Exploring the possibility of creating a working party WIG
Yellow Lines
Social Club roof – lead flashing, roof cleaning
Christmas tree
St Peter’s Hall – gable end repair
22-009: Councillors Questions – To receive any comments or questions from the Councillors
Thanks to Cllr Upton, Cllr Attrill and volunteers for their work on the village Christmas tree
Thanks to St Peter’s Church for the use of the electrics to power the tree.
22-010: Date of next meeting – Wednesday 2nd February 2022
Meeting closed at 9.58pm