
03 – Virt Full Mins1 March 2021

March 2021 Full Council minutes

Minutes of the Virtual Full Council Meeting, 1st March 2021 held online via ZOOM at 8.00pm
Present: Cllr A Dodson, Cllr J Aniskowicz, Cllr S Morgan, Cllr H Upton, Cllr R Garnham
Also Present: Clerk (Mr R Zvauya) Assistant Clerk (Kara Atkinson) and 1 ZOOM connection from members of the public
21-008: Apologies, Acceptance of apologies and declarations of interests
21-009: To approve of the minutes of previous Full Council Meeting on 1st February 2021
The Full Council minutes were reviewed and accepted. Proposed by Cllr J Aniskowicz, seconded by Cllr H Upton. All Cllrs in agreement.
21-010: Public Participation (15 mins) – to accept questions and comments from members of the public and councillors with a prejudicial interest. (max 3 mins per person)
There was no public participation
21-011: Reports from County and District Councillors
21-012: Business Matters
a. Consider update from RIG – Cllr Garnham
Awaiting plans from the architect – anticipated mid march
Cricket club have requested to temporarily extend the wicket (by 1m) under the existing nets area. This was granted by Cllrs.

b. Consider update on Allotments, Sandpits, Community Orchard – Cllr Morgan
Sign now in place for the community orchard. Trees arriving between the 19th and 22nd April for planting, advert in the Village Voice for family group planting.
Possible rolling of the grass area around the allotment sites to help with maintenance (grass cutting)
It was resolved that £200 be allocated to the hire of a roller, proposed by Cllr Dodson and seconded by Cllr Morgan

c. Consider update on 2021/22 LHI Bid – Cllr Garnham
Cllr Dodson summarised the update and work that has gone into the LHI bid in the last month: presentation was shared with the police officer – and thanked Cllr Garnham, Cllr Upton and the Assistant Clerk for their hard work..
Cllr Dodson will be presenting the plan for the reduction in speed limit to 30mph (in the existing 40mph) on Stretham Road at a County Council Meeting on Wednesday 3rd March – the result will be known in June.
It was resolved that Cllr Dodson will be speaking on behalf of the Parish Council at the meeting and be able to offer up to £4000 for the contribution that Wilburton pay towards the overall cost of the project. Proposed by Cllr Morgan and seconded by Cllr Upton

d. Discuss 2020/21 LHI Bid – Cllr Upton
No updates

e. Discuss cemetery footpath quotations
Cllr Morgan has received quotes for the two options: concrete path and block paving
Cllrs discussed the options for paths it was agreed that a concrete path was the practical solution taking into consideration the upkeep etc. The cemetery will be closed to burials and the lychgate be the point entrance/exit for members of the public while the work takes place.
It was resolved that CB Groundworks be appointed to lay the new path at a cost of £9,373. Proposed by Cllr Upton and seconded by Cllr Dodson.

f. Discuss and approve spending for machinery; Honda water pump, Husqvarna brushcutter and Husqvarna lawnmower for £210.
This agenda item was revised to reflect it is the servicing of these machines.
It was resolved that the servicing be approved at a cost of £210. Proposed by Cllr Dodson and seconded by Cllr Upton

g. Discuss cemetery footpath quotations
As above

h. Discuss general maintenance at the recreation field including barbed wire on the fence
Assistant Clerk to contact the Pell Estate to request the removal of a section the barbed wire behind the goals (10m stretch) to prevent balls from being damaged when they hit the barbed wire.
Trulink to be asked for a quote to build up and level the ground along the central tree line
Dave Maltby be asked to look at the patch of mould and broken/missing slates on the pavilion roof
Peter Haine be asked to look at the tree nearest the pavilion that has branches that are causing damage to the pavilion roof.

i.Refuse collection update
Cllrs discussed the removal of bins at the cemetery for a test period with signage displayed asking those removing and replacing flowers at the cemetery to take rubbish away with them. Once the path has been completed a different East Cambs bin/s (similar to others in the village) be allocated on the path outside the cemetery and possiblyy inside as well, removing the two green bins, which East Cambs will empty.

j.Discuss fire panel at the hall
Prestige have been out to service the fire system in the hall and found that there are review the issues with the panel (installed as part of the hall renovations) and quoted for a replacement panel at a cost of £1,500. Cllr Dodson will contact the company that originally installed the panel.

k. Discuss purchase of a safe for the burial records
Cllrs discussed the purchasing of a new safe to hold Parish records at St Peter’s hall. Cllr Dodson and Assistant Clerk will research into safe requirements, sizes and a suitable location.

l. Website and storage update
Cllrs discussed the updating website to meet the growing needs of the Parish and resolved to allocate time during next meeting to decide on what was needed to be put on the Website..

m. Discuss use of recreation field following government announcement on easing restrictions
Cllrs are happy that, subject to compliance with government restrictions and satisfactory Risk Asseement procedures, that the recreation ground can reopen to clubs and organisations wishing to book slots.

21-013: Agenda items for next meeting
Website – allocate time to discuss this at length
LHI update
Fire panel
RIG update
Recreation field update – include user agreement, maintenance of trees (central line of tree and tree close to the pavilion that is causing damage to the pavilion roof)
21-014: Councillors Questions – To receive any comments or questions from the Councillors
21-015: Date of next meeting – Tuesday 6th April 2021
Meeting closed at 9.55pm