
02 – Virt Full Mins 1 Feb 2021

02 Feb 2021 Full Council Minutes


Minutes of the Virtual Full Council Meeting, 1st February 2021 held online via ZOOM at 8.00pm
Present: Cllr A Dodson, Cllr J Aniskowicz, Cllr S Morgan, Cllr H Upton, Cllr R Garnham
Also Present: Clerk (Mr R Zvauya) Assistant Clerk (Kara Atkinson) and 1 ZOOM connection from 2 members of the public
21-001: Apologies, Acceptance of apologies and declarations of interests
21-002: To approve of the minutes of previous Full Council Meeting on 4th January 2021
The Full Council minutes were reviewed and accepted. Proposed by Cllr S Morgan, seconded by Cllr H Upton. All Cllrs in agreement.
21-003: Public Participation (15 mins) – to accept questions and comments from members of the public and councillors with a prejudicial interest. (max 3 mins per person)
There was public participation
21-003: Reports from County and District Councillors
21-004: Business Matters
a. Consider update from RIG – Cllr Garnham
Cllr Garnham updated Cllrs that the architects have been instructed, however due to workload they are anticipating mid-March as an expected date for the drawings to be available.
Area around that the replacement container is to be sited in will be tidied up – waiting for an improvement in the weather and ground.
b. Consider update on Allotments, Sandpits, Community Orchard – Cllr Morgan
Cllr Morgan shared an update on the Community Orchard planting.
Councillors expressed thanks to Sam Naidu for painting the Community Orchard sign
c. Consider update on 2021/22 LHI Bid – Cllr Garnham
Cllr Garnham updated Cllrs on communications with the police advisor – a zoom meeting will be arranged where Cllrs can present data to Derek (police advisor to Highways) ahead of it going to the committee on 3rd March 2021.
d. Discuss 2020/21 LHI Bid – Cllr Upton
Cllr Upton shared correspondence from Highways – back log of works has resulted in this work not having a date for work to start.

e. Discuss clearing the bus stop area
Cllr Dodson shared concerns over the area High Street/Station Road bus stop, leaf debris, soil and weeds preventing the bench being accessed by the public. Once the weather improves and lockdown restrictions are lifted a working party will be organised to clean up the area.
f. Consider request for erection of gate on footpath behind Willow Lodge
Cllrs supported the erecting of a gate at this location.
g. Discuss cemetery footpath quotations
Cllr Morgan and Cllr Garnham are seeking quotes for a variety of surfaces for this project.
h. Consider garden maintenance quote at the cottage by the letting agent
Cllrs discussed the garden maintenance. The letting agent will be contacted with the proposal that a shed be purchased for the tenants to use to store garden equipment in, enabling tenants to store their own lawnmower to cut the grass.
i. Discuss refuse collection at the cemetery
Cllrs discussed refuse collection. East Cambridgeshire will be contacted for advice: recycling and general waste collections.
j. Discuss toilet refurbishment at the hall
Due to the nature of the quotes needed, covid restrictions are preventing contractors being able to enter the Hall to undertake quotes.
k. Discuss heating issues at the hall
The heating is turned off but still needs to be looked at. Cllr Upton reported issues with the sockets.
21-005: Agenda items for next meeting
Barbed wire fencing at the rec
Hinton Hall blockage/footpath
BOX storage
LHI bids 20/21 and 21/22
Toilets in the hall
Electrics in the hall
Cemetery pathway
Refuse collection
21-006: Councillors Questions – To receive any comments or questions from the Councillors
21-007: Date of next meeting – Monday 1st March 2021
Meeting closed at 9.43pm