Minutes of the Full Council Meeting, 1st November 2021 held at St Peter’s Hall, at 8.00pm
Present: Cllr A Dodson, Cllr S Morgan, Cllr H Upton, Cllr Spencer, Cllr Henessey, Cllr Aniskowicz.
Also Present: Clerk (Rixon Zvauya) Assistant Clerk (Kara Atkinson) and 1 member of the public
21-072: Apologies, Acceptance of apologies and declarations of interests
21-073: Consider Co-option to the Council, applications received
John Attrill applied to be a Parish Councillor in Wilburton. Proposed by Cllr Hennessy and seconded by Cllr Spencer. All Cllrs agreed.
21-074: Delivery by the new councillors of their acceptance of office form
John signed the paperwork provided by the Parish Clerk. Cllr Attrill joined the existing Cllrs and was welcomed by the chair, on behalf of the Parish.
21-075: To approve of the minutes of previous Full Council Meeting on 6th October 2021
The Full Council minutes from the 6th October were reviewed and accepted. Proposed by Cllr Aniskowicz, seconded by Cllr Morgan. All Cllrs agreed.
21-076: Public Participation (15 mins) – to accept questions and comments from members of the public and councillors with a prejudicial interest. (max 3 mins per person)
There was public participation
21.077: Reports from County and District Councillors
21-078: Business Matters
1.Recreation Field and Recreation Improvement Group
a) Consider lease update
Work is ongoing. No update to report at present.
b) Discuss Recreation Improvement Group future meetings
The Acting Chair of RIG reported to the Council that meetings will be suspended until such time as a date for the finalisation of the lease has been agreed.
It was resolved that RIG will be relaunched, with an open invitation for members to join the working group of the Parish Council at a future date. Proposed by Cllr Dodson and seconded by Cllr Morgan, all Cllrs agreed.
c) Consider quotes for tree work
One quote has been received; one further quote is due. The decision will be made at the December meeting.
d) Discuss container siting at the recreation field
Cllrs are waiting to hear back from the container company.
e) Discuss floodlights at the recreation field
Cllrs discussed the various options around the floodlights at the recreation ground.
Cambridgeshire FA have offered match funding for the purchase of portable floodlights; this would allow Wilburton FC to practice at the recreation ground.
It was resolved to proceed with the FA application for portable floodlights. Proposed by Cllr Dodson and seconded by Cllr Upton, all Cllrs agreed.
Cllrs considered a quote from electricians to complete repairs to the existing floodlights, with a view to these being utilised by various sporting clubs.
It was resolved that repairs be carried out to the existing floodlights Proposed by Dodson, seconded by Cllr Morgan, all agreed.
f) Consider gates updates
Cllrs will all visit the gates to inspect with a view to making suggestions on how to proceed.
g) Consider update on grass cutting schedule
Cllrs discussed changes to the grass cutting schedule to include establishing a wildflower area/s, and a change to the frequency of cuts. Cllr Morgan will review ahead of the January meeting.
2.Consider Allotments, Sandpits and Community Orchard update
a) Consider update on Life on the Old West
Cllrs were updated on progress towards digging the pond. A community work day has been scheduled for Saturday 29th January noon – 4pm, an advert has been placed in the village voice and will be shared on social media and the Parish website.
b) Consider bird boxes update
Cllr Morgan visited local bird box maker John Stimpson for prices for bird and bat boxes to be located at the Sandpits and Cemetery.
It was resolved that £500 be allocated to the purchase of bird and bat boxes. Proposed by Cllr Dodson and seconded by Cllr Upton, all Cllrs agreed.
c) Consider update on the grant for flower planting in Wilburton and Life on the Old West wild flower plants including wild flowers on park– Cllr Hennessy
Cllr Hennessy confirmed that Wilburton Twentypence Garden Centre would provide wildflower seeds for planting at various sites in the village. The Brownies will be planting Spring flowering bulbs in November at the Berristead green.
3. LHI Bid 2021/22 (40 to 30mph on Stretham Road) – Consider update – Cllr Spencer
Cllr Spencer updated Cllrs on the plans – including the gates that will say ‘30mph Wilburton Please Drive Carefully’ it is hoped that the work will be carried out in the New Year
4. LHI Bid 2022/23 – consider update – Cllr Dodson
Cllr Dodson has submitted the bid.
5. Consider update on new Website Cllr Upton
Go live date set for 15th November 2021.
6.A1123 reduction to B road
a) Consider email from Stephen Thompson, Haddenham Parish Council
A recent email received just before the meeting; it has been circulated to Parish Councillors
b) Discuss concerns to write to the County Council
Cllrs discussed writing to CCC about their concerns regarding the decision to withdraw support for the downgrading of the A1123. Cllr Dodson will draft a letter and circulate to Cllrs ahead of sending.
7.Discuss purchase of Christmas Tree and putting it and the lights up
£200 allocated for purchase of the tree, the tree will be put in place on the weekend of the 4/5 of December
8. Consider footpaths update – Cllr Spencer
Cllr Spencer briefed Cllrs on the changes to the procedure for registering footpaths. She will begin to collate information on regularly used, but unregistered footpaths within the Parish with a view to beginning registering them. A map will be used at the January meeting to mark significant routes Parishioners would like preserving.
9. Cemetery
a) Discuss winter maintenance plan
It is anticipated that the scheduled tree work will cover all aspects.
21-079: Agenda items for next meeting
December meeting: Budget focus
January meeting matters:
Tenders for grass cutting at the allotments
Footpaths within the Parish
21-080: Councillors Questions – To receive any comments or questions from the Councillors
21-081: Date of next meeting – Wednesday 1st December 2021 – this meeting will focus on the budget meeting
Meeting closed at 10pm