11 – November Full Council Minutes

11 – November Full Council Minutes

Full Council Minutes 2 Nov 2022


Minutes of the Full Council Meeting from 2nd November 2022 held at St Peter’s Hall, at 8pm

Present:  Cllr Attrill, Cllr H Upton, Cllr J Aniskowicz, Cllr Duckworth, Cllr Spencer, Cllr Hennessey, Cllr Wilson, and Cllr S Morgan

Also Present:  Assistant Clerk (Kara Atkinson) and 4 members of the public.


22-083: Apologies, Acceptance of apologies and declarations of interests

Apologies from Cllr Lambert

22-084: To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on 5th October 2022.

The minutes were reviewed and accepted. Proposed by Cllr Morgan seconded by Cllr Aniskowicz. All Cllrs in agreement.

22-085: Public Participation (15 mins) – to accept questions and comments from members of the public and councillors with a prejudicial interest. (max 3 mins per person)

There was public participation.


22-086: Reports from County and District Councillors

District Cllr Bill Hunt summarised District Council matters


22-087: Business Matters

  1. Consider update from the Chair

Cllr Attrill shared a summary of the training and work he has undertaken, including training with CALPALC, updates and additions to the website. A Parish Council health check will take place, at a cost of £30 an hour. Developing working relationship with Haddenham Parish Council including agreement to attend meetings.

  1. Consider update from Social Club

Cllrs considered a report from the Social club – all matters raised will be considered and discussed at a future meeting.

  1. Recreation Field
    1. Consider update on lease – Cllr Attrill

Cllr Attrill updated Cllrs on the newly updated lease as well as the Memorandum of Understanding, Cllrs reviewed.

It was resolved that the Memorandum of Understanding and the Lease document be agreed and signed. Proposed by Cllr Duckworth and seconded by Cllr Morgan. All Cllrs agreed.

  1. Approve the drafted grass cutting/groundskeeper tender – Cllr Attrill

Cllrs considered the terms of the tender.

It was resolved the tender be approved. Agreed by Cllr Upton and seconded by Cllr Aniskowicz. All Cllrs agreed.

  1. Discuss and approve the new recreation working group – Cllr Attrill

Cllrs discussed and agreed the creation of a new group.

  1. Discuss and Consider update on Dropped kerb application– Cllr Attrill

Cllr Attrill updated Councillors on the process so far – the application will be made within the next fortnight.

  1. Discuss the plans for Car Park and metal gates– Cllr Attrill

Cllrs discussed options for the car park and metal gates

  1. Discuss and approve purchase of concrete bases and aggregate base for the cricket nets– Cllr Attrill

Cllrs Wilson shared the rationale for the cricket nets and future planning for the cricket club. A date will be set for a meeting to discuss this further.

  1. Approve oak posts that the Pell Estate have requested down Station Road after the car park is built Cllr Upton

Cllrs agreed in principle that posts be added to the verge on Station Road.


  1. Allotments, Sandpits and Community Orchard
    1. Consider update on well at allotments/sand pits – Cllr Morgan

No update on the well at present. The fire pit and benches have been installed.

  1. Discuss plan and time for allotment clearance – Cllr Morgan

No update at present.

  1. Consider update on Christmas tree and memorial tree – Cllr Morgan

Cllr Wilson and Cllr Upton will arrange the delivery of the Christmas tree. Cllr Morgan confirmed the tree will be delivered this week and planted at the Berristead – near the playground. A plaque will be arranged at a later date.

  1. Consider update on Kingsley consultation – Cllr Attrill

Cllrs discussed the recent consultation.

  1. Discuss and note the rationale for the change in the model rules of SWCLT

Cllrs noted the change to the model rules. A vote was taken and all Cllrs agreed with the changes.

  1. Discuss warm hub plans – Cllr Spencer

Cllr Spencer updated Cllrs on the plans for Wilburton hub, with a view to joining forces with Haddenham. Cllrs discussed the idea of using funds pledged to Wilburton to Haddenham and sign post Wilburton residents to Haddenham. Cllrs agreed that should funds not be able to be transferred that Parish funds be used to fully fund one day of a warm hub over the Winter months.

  1. Consider Hall speaker system update – Cllr Upton

Cllr Attrill updated Councillors on progress with the speaker systems.

  1. Discuss Led light in the emergency sign/Fire exit at the hall – Cllr Upton

Cllr Upton shared a quote with Cllrs for £75. Installation of the new light bulbs in the foyer and Social Club at a cost of £270. All Cllrs agreed to accept the quotes and the works be carried out.

  1. Consider update on community Freehouse- Cllr Attrill

Cllr Attrill has handed over this to Cllr Lambert.

  1. Consider SIDs update- Cllr Upton

Cllr Upton still waiting to hear back from Highways.

  1. Consider update on Lorry Watch – Cllr Attrill

Cllr Attrill updated Cllrs on plans that Haddenham Parish Council are working on.

  1. Consider update on Rosemary bench and picnic bench – Cllr Attrill

The picnic bench has now been delivered and will be installed over the next week. Delivery of the bench for the Station Road/High Street bus stop is awaiting delivery.

  1. Discuss CAPALC training plans for next year

Cllrs Wilson, Hennessey, Upton, Duckworth, Morgan and Spencer will be undertaking training in the New Year. Cllr Attrill will share details of the training courses available with Cllr Lambert as he was not at the meeting.

22-088: Agenda items for next meeting

Social Club

Recreation Ground Group

Hall speakers

Approving the 2023-24 budget

Cllr Hennessey – November Memorial 2023


22-089: Councillors Questions – To receive any comments or questions from the Councillor

Cllr Duckworth shared comments relating to the community engagement statement.

Cllr Attrill has received a letter relating to this matter – the letter had sixty-eight signatures.

22-090: Date of next meeting

January 4th 2023