
06 – Mins Full 9 June 2021


Minutes of the Full Council Meeting, 9th June 2021 held at St Peter’s Hall, at 8.00pm

Present:  Cllr A Dodson, Cllr J Aniskowicz, Cllr S Morgan, Cllr H Upton

Also Present:  Clerk (Mr R Zvauya) Assistant Clerk (Kara Atkinson) and 4 members of the public

21-035: Apologies, Acceptance of apologies and declarations of interests


Dispensations are still in place for the three Cllrs who are also Trustees on the SWCLT

21-036: To approve of the minutes of previous Full Council Meeting on 4th May 2021

The Full Council minutes from the 4th May were reviewed and accepted. Proposed by Cllr Upton, seconded by Cllr Morgan. The Extraordinary Council Meeting held on 12th May were reviewed and accepted. Proposed by Cllr Morgan and Seconded by Cllr Aniskowicz. All Cllrs in agreement.

21-037: Public Participation (15 mins) – to accept questions and comments from members of the public and councillors with a prejudicial interest. (max 3 mins per person)

There was public participation

21-038: Reports from County and District Councillors

District Cllr Bill Hunt gave a report – See appendix 1

Cllr Lisa Stubbs outlined her various roles (as well as a District Councillor) including: Parish Councillor, Hall trustee at Little Thetford, CLT Trustee, she reported that she has, like many Parish Councillors past and present in Wilburton, experienced personal attacks from certain people from within the Save Wilburton group. Cllr Stubbs said she supported the hard work of all Wilburton Parish Councillors and thanked them for their continued service.


21-039: Business Matters

  1. a) To approve the annual governance statements 31 March 2021

Cllrs reviewed the statements.

It was resolved that the governance statements be approved and accepted. Proposed by Cllr Upton Seconded by Cllr Aniskowicz. All Cllrs agreed.


  1. b) To approve the accounting statements 31 March 2021

Cllrs reviewed the accounting statements.

It was resolved that the accounting statements be approved and accepted. Proposed by Cllr Upton Seconded by Cllr Aniskowicz. All Cllrs agreed.


  1. Review Financial Regulations

The Parish Clerk presented the updated financial regulations document to Cllrs.

It was resolved that the updated Financial Regulations be approved and accepted. Proposed by Cllr Morgan Seconded by Cllr Upton. All Cllrs agreed.


  1. Cemetery
  2. a) Discuss storage of Burial Records

At the beginning of July Cllr Dodson has an appointment at Cambridgeshire Achieves to hand over historic burial records and other Parish papers no longer needed for the day to day running of the Council. All burial records will be now be stored electronically allowing both clerks to access remotely.

  1. b) Discuss gravedigger appointment, updated terms and conditions and paperwork for funeral directors

Cllrs considered the appointment of a gravedigger, to be used by all funeral directors using the cemetery.

It was resolved that R Harrison & Son be appointed as the Parish gravedigger. Proposed by Cllr Upton and seconded by Cllr Morgan. All Cllrs agreed.

Cllrs approved the updates to the cemetery terms and conditions and associated paperwork and new deadlines (3 days notice) for funeral directors requesting burials and giving details of those being interned.

Clerk to upload to the Parish website.

Assistant Clerk to print and display in the cemetery and circulate to known funeral directors that have used the cemetery in the last 6 months.

It was resolved that the updated terms and conditions and paperwork for funeral directors be approved. Proposed by Cllr Upton and Seconded by Cllr Morgan All Cllrs agreed.


  1. Consider update from the Annual Parish Meeting held on 19 May 2021

At the Annual Parish meeting Parish resident Stephen Smith proposed a vote of no confidence against the Parish Council. A Parish Poll was requested with the support of 18 Parishioners.

Immediately following the Annual Parish Meeting the Chair, Cllr Dodson, followed procedure in contacting East Cambridgeshire District Council (ECDC) to inform them of the request by Stephen Smith of a Parish Poll with the question:

Following the results of the Camps Field Community Survey 2020 and subsequent decision by Wilburton Parish Council to support the Camps Field planning application do you have confidence that the current Wilburton Parish Council acts in a way that is democratic, accountable and transparent?

Response option: yes/no

ECDC have informed the Parish Council that:

The cost to the Parish (money taken from the precept) for the Parish Poll will be a minimum of £1,500.

If there is an election for Parish Councillors the cost to the Parish will be £5,000.

It was also noted by Cllrs that a Parish Poll is not legally binding and the results do not have to be followed.


Mr Smith raised other points relating to Parish Council conduct, that, when Cllrs attempted to answer, Mr Smith declined to hear what could be said.


  1. Resignation of Parish Councillor and advertising for new Parish Councillors

It was acknowledged that Rod Garnham resigned from his role as a Parish Councillor at the Annual Meeting. Serving Cllrs would like to thank Rod for his service to the Parish over the last 13 months.

Advertising for new Cllrs was discussed. Adverts in the village voice July (and September issue to every household) the Parish website, facebook page, bus shelter and notice board.


  1. Recreation Field and Recreation Improvement Group
  2. a) Consider positioning of new container

Two County Storage, of Soham have confirmed that they will pay £200 for the old container and remove it free of charge. The new container will be placed very close to the current container – cutting back the nettles and preparing the area ready for the container will take place before the container is delivered.

  1. b) Consider update on image from Berristead House

The Pell Estate Trustees have been sent the information requested relating to the visual of the proposed pavilion from Berristead House, the new storage shed, as well as the style and location of benches to Council have secured funding for.

  1. c) Discuss plans on new Chair for RIG

Cllr Dodson to temporarily be the new chair of RIG

All RIG members will be updated and it is hoped that RIG can refocus its attention of providing improved facilities for the village recreation ground.




  1. Consider update on Stretham Road speed limit reduction and Feasibility Study

All Highways decisions and meetings have been placed on hold. Cllr Dodson will write to Ruth Raiper, the County Council Highways Officer, for an update on when the meeting to ratify the decision to redice the speed limit from 40mph to 30mph will be scheduled for.

The Feasibility Study results, relating to the extension of the path along the south side of Stretham Road from number 16 to Millfield Place is scheduled to be returned by July.


  1. Allotments, Community Orchard, Sandpits – Consider update and report from the Life on the Old West project – Cllr Morgan

Cllr Morgan and Assistant Clerk, Kara Atkinson, met with Howard Jones project lead for New Life on the Old West (NLOTOW) and discussed the location of the pond and adding to the existing community orchard with more locally sourced fruit trees. Cllrs agreed with the location of the pond to the sandpits side, NLOTOW will begin the planning permission process.

Two allotments are not being kept in good order; tenants will be emailed with reminders.


  1. Discuss clearance at the bus stop

Deferred to the next meeting


  1. Consider update on new Website

Cllr Upton shared his findings and will seek quotes from 3 companies for Cllrs to consider at the next meeting.


  1. Discuss plan for Village Voice September issue article

Parish sponsored issue that will be distributed to every home in the Parish. Organisations to contact:

Theatre Group, Tang So Do, Social Club, St Peter’s Church and Baptist Chapel, Over 60’s, Toddler Group, Cricket, Football, Primary School, WOSC (out of school club), Harbour School, Beachbabies, Guiding Groups – District Commissioner, Chris at the violin makers, Brochams Gin Distillery, The Showman – Mr Harris, Local Businesses, Speedwatch


  1. Consider update on speed camera

Preparing to move sites to a location on Station Road.


21-040: Agenda items for next meeting


Write to the major about the Ely Zipper

Communicating with County Council about the downgrading of A1123

Parish website – quotes

Dog waste bins


21-041: Date of next meeting – Wednesday 7th July 2021

Meeting closed at 10pm