
10 – October Full Council Minutes

Uploaded on November 7, 2021

October Minutes Full Council 2021


Minutes of the Full Council Meeting, 6th October 2021 held at St Peter’s Hall, at 8.00pm

Present:  Cllr A Dodson, Cllr S Morgan, Cllr H Upton, Cllr Spencer

Also Present:  Clerk (Rixon Zvauya) Assistant Clerk (Kara Atkinson) and 2 members of the public

21-062: Apologies, Acceptance of apologies and declarations of interests

Apologies from Cllr Aniskowicz.

Cllr Morgan declared an interest in 3.a.

21-063: Consider Co-option to the Council, applications received

Sara Hennessey has applied to be a Parish Councillor in Wilburton. Proposed by Cllr Dodson and seconded by Cllr Upton. All Cllrs agreed.

21-064: Delivery by the new councillors of their acceptance of office form

Sara signed the paperwork provided by the Parish Clerk. Cllr Hennessey joined the existing Cllrs and was welcomed by the chair, on behalf of the Parish.

21-065: To approve of the minutes of previous Full Council Meeting on 1st September 2021

The Full Council minutes from the 1st September were reviewed and accepted. Proposed by Cllr Upton, seconded by Cllr Morgan. All Cllrs agreed.

21-066: Public Participation (15 mins) – to accept questions and comments from members of the public and councillors with a prejudicial interest. (max 3 mins per person)

There was no public participation

21.067: Reports from County and District Councillors

Apologies from Cllr Hunt.

County Councillor Dan Schmann introduced himself, updating the changes that have been made at County Council level; meetings are significantly reduced in number (full council is four times a year). Declassification of the A1123 to a B road, was approved prior to the last election, when the new administration came into power (May 2021) the decision was reversed, instead proposing a variety of traffic calming measurers for Parish Councils to consider. Parish Councils directly affected by the A1123 are being encouraged to respond, reflecting their own views on this matter to the County Council.

21-068: Business Matters

1.Consider and note External Auditor’s Report and Certificate 2020/21

Chair, Cllr Dodson thanked the Parish Clerk for his hard work on the audit and financial matters on behalf of the Councillor. The certificate to show the audit was passed, this certificate was shared with Councillors.

2.Recreation Field and Recreation Improvement Group

a) Consider lease update

A response from the Pell estate was received prior to the meeting, Cllrs discussed the points raised by Estate Trustees

b) Consider update on container and tree work at the recreation field

The tree work has been approved by ECDC – contractors are being contacted with a view to carrying out the work.

c) Consider new gates updates

Cllrs will review at a further point in time.

d) Consider benches update

Benches have been built, with thanks to Dave Maltby and are now installed at the recreation ground.

e) Consider repairs update

Cllr Morgan has made a start on working through the list

f) Consider update on grass cutting schedule

To be reviewed at the next meeting – still waiting for the schedule from Trulink

g) Consider Recreation Improvement Group update

RIG attempted to meet prior to the meeting. Due to some RIG members being unavailable and some technical issues, the meeting was postponed to Wednesday 13th October, via zoom, at 8pm

Cllr Morgan left the room for agenda item 3.a.

3.Consider Allotments, Sandpits and Community Orchard update

a) Consider grass cutting update (cutting and mower sale)

Regular cutting (approx. 12 cuts per calendar year) of the car park perimeter, footpath to sandpits, entrance-exit views onto twenty pence road, orchard winding paths, allotment perimeter, allotment middle driveway, winding paths throughout remaining open spaces. This will be advertised and applications invited to undertake the work.

b) Discuss fence repair

Fallen tree has damaged the fence. Cllr Morgan has cleared the tree, the fence needs repairing to secure the site. Cllr Morgan to ask Dave Maltby to carry out the repairs needed.

c) Discuss possible hedging

An application has been made for 20-25m of hedging for the sandpits from the Woodland Trust

d) Consider barn owl boxes update

Assistant Clerk to contact Howard (new life on the old west) for advice with a view to asking John Stimpson

e) Discuss planting of flowers and wildflower areas

The East Cambridgeshire District Council grant for the purchasing of flower planters, flowers, soil and bulbs has been approved: £450. Wildflower plugs will be supplied by New Life on the Old West. Exact locations and a time frame for planting will be drawn up.

4. LHI Bid 2022/23

a) Discuss consideration of bid

Cllr Upton shared options for updating speed devices. Closing date 14th October for the bid.

It was proposed that Cllr Upton make the application for two additional MVAS. The Parish Council will budget 10% of the overall cost of the bid. Proposed by Cllr Dodson, seconded by Cllr Morgan. All Cllrs agreed.

b) Consider MVAS increase in number

See above

5. LHI Bid 2021/22 – consider update – Cllr Spencer

Cllr Spencer updated Cllrs on the additions, Highways have made to increase compliance. Still awaiting a date for the commencement of the works.

6. Consider update on Stretham Road path costs – Cllr Morgan

– to be considered at a future date, still awaiting quotes

7. Consider update on new Website Cllr Upton

Information to be added: governance statements and financial matters, hall and rec booking forms, all risk assessments, Councillor profiles. With a view going live on 15th November 2021. Look at the website at the November meeting.

8. Discuss idea of subscribing to ZOOM

It was proposed that the Parish Council subscribe to an online video conferencing provider. Proposed by Cllr Dodson and seconded by Cllr Upton. All agreed.

 9. A1123 reduction to B road

a) Consider email from Stephen Thompson, Haddenham Parish Council

Cllr Dodson will forward the email to Cllrs to review ahead of the November meeting.

b) Consider writing to Highways as a Council

Consider the email from Cambridgeshire County Council with a view to replying with the views of the Parish.

10. Cemetery

a) Consider scarifying quotes update

This work will go out to tender with a view to being carried out in the Spring.

 21-069: Agenda items for next meeting


RIG, recreation ground lease, ROSPA repairs

Allotments, Sandpits and Community Orchard – bird boxes, New Life on the Old West, external contractor to purchase of the mower

LHI bids 20/21 and 22/23


Christmas tree


21-070: Councillors Questions – To receive any comments or questions from the Councillors

Councillors have been contacted about using the floodlights at the rec for over winter training.

21-071: Date of next meeting – Wednesday 3rd November 2021

Meeting closed at 10pm